Aug 24, 2009

Last Post


Dear Friends,

For the past 30 months to be precise, I have been blogging regularly about different aspects of my life right from the time in Abu Dhabi to some magical months in India along with very testing, trying but highly path breaking period in Edmonton. As they say always everything in life, good or bad has to come to an end. Hence this is the last post. Nothing more to be said. Life as they say just goes on, as always. Goodbye.

“In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.” Martin Luther King

Aug 19, 2009



I have always asked myself,

Why is truth always so deaf ?

Dumb and innocent,

Battered always to an exploit!

Persevering, yet never assuming,

Nonetheless never sung,

Always hidden lest plain,

Painful yet relieving,

Freeing yet binding,

What can be more good…

Than knowing the truth

What can still be more worse..

Yet knowing the truth!

Truth is always good,

Never to anyone ever bad,

Good always endures,

Truth always stands!

How do we ever find truth ?

Mirage it is always to those who seeketh!

Never ending a search for the explorer,

Never ending a thirst for the thirsty,

Never ending an obsession for the adventurous,

Never ending a hunger for the hungry,

Yet what is in it, oh mere mortal,

You cringe over it never ever to toll,

Realize yet always it never is in total,

Truth will never be found,

Always invented yet never discovered.


“Believe those who are seeking the truth; doubt those who find it.” Abraham Lincoln

Aug 17, 2009



I was stunned recently. Very much that it took me some time to regain my breath. Couldn’t speak or utter a word for a long time. It  was really breathtaking.

From time immemorial, the memorable saga of the Jewish race from the time when Abram was asked to move from Ur right through the messianic times till the Holocaust and the subsequent formation of the nation of Israel to the various Jewish lobbies that control different aspects of the American society from its politics till its culture and various contemporaries, has made for some rollercoaster literary reading that rants well with any reader. Yours truly always made it a point to stay away from any type of movies with underlying political overtones. But the innocent poster of two boys sitting and separated by a barbed wire as shown in the above picture intrigued me to spend some of my time on visualizing the celluloid format inspired by a book (as the poster vividly shows). Expecting a relaxing weekend treat, the movie well started with a whimper.

It began with this obscure Nazi general promoted to a higher rank and leaving his home from Berlin to an obscure area. Bruno his son was lone dissenting voice in the household and was further disappointed when he saw his future home. His sister Gretel too disappointed was relieved to end up liking another German officer at their home. The young kid Bruno who had the dreams of being an explorer despite being dissuaded from exploring the behind woods of the home for it being out of bounds, went and ended up meeting the only boy of his age at that place called Shmuel. Separated by barbed wires, a beautiful friendship grew, stronger when it came to be known that they were enemies. Events later till when Bruno ended up in the gas chambers with Shmuel, innocently and the finally shot of the door to the gas chamber finally shut and the striped pajamas of the prisoners left hanging outside, shook me for sometime. Any calamity man made or else resonates a simple theme for everyone, there are no sides in any conflict. Suffering is universal. It was profound and the message was shattering.

Some of the memorable dialogues from the movie include:

Bruno: I'm Bruno.
Shmuel: Shmuel.
Bruno: Sorry?
Shmuel: I'm Shmuel.
Bruno: That's your name? I've never heard of anyone called that before.
Shmuel: I've never heard of anyone called Bruno.
Bruno: Shmuel? No one's called Shmuel.


Bruno: Why do you wear pajamas all day?
Shmuel: The soldiers. They took all our clothes away.

Bruno: My dad's a soldier, but not the sort that takes people's clothes away.


Bruno to Shmuel: We're not supposed to be friends, you and me. We're meant to be enemies. Did you know that?

Bruno: There is such thing as a nice Jew, though, isn't there?
Herr Liszt: I think, Bruno, if you ever found a nice Jew, you would be the best explorer in the world.

Auschwitz Inmate to the kids before the gas chamber: It's only a shower.

Aug 7, 2009

The Goodness of Life Love and People


Oh! yea…how does it feel to be good,

Love so luxurious better than a brood,

I look at a life so fully of mighty,

So much greater in depth, never ever lowly,

I wanna laugh, laugh, not less, but fully!


The night that was darkest before the dawn,

Was shredded by light rays, neither a premonition!

Apparent in its own right, rightfully a vision!

So lovely, full of life, abstract in contrast;

More there are any drops in an ocean,

More there are any migratory birds,

Swept by any chinook winds,

Blowing them right through the heart and its beats;


Love never ends, never loses,

Hopes never ends, so much complete,

In essence endures, so fully its way!

But always real in its sway,

For bravest are the ones that never slay,

Rejection for any dead end,

Its the power to continue from the end,

Belief in your feelings, never dead,

Full of power, and spirit fed.


Life never to be complained about,

Sublimely good to all its presence,

Very virtuous to all who care,

People yet to be loved everywhere,

Love goes around taking its stance,

Never losing a soul to chance.

The conspiring universe,

Working to lift the spirits to nirvana,

Seeking the elixir of life,

The holy grail of ultimate happiness.

To mere mortals that never cares,

Beware for that it stands for us;


Yeah, let this be the way that you feel,

Emotions taking you on a roll.

Hearts beating in a melancholy full,

I wanna live, live, not less, but fully!

This life, so good, truly!

Yearn the goodness in people, never lowly,


Discerning, courteous yet never failing!

Never to drown, never to flight,

Live the life in your way, fully right,

Love the life you have, hold it tight,

Let’s get it out to shine in the light,

Showcasing to people, oh! what a sight!

Goodness in its full glory, hope and love so bright!


“The greatest good you can do for another is not just to share your riches, but to reveal to him his own” Benjamin Disraeli

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This is the 50th post in this blog. In three years, I have come a long way in life having grown a lot both professionally and personally. Yet getting mixed reviews for many of the articles posted here, this blog seeks to showcase the best times of my life of which I am eternally and humbly grateful.  Tenny

Jul 28, 2009

Obnoxiously Narcissist


Sometimes, I look around,

To the world that goes so round,

People going without any bounds,

Life passing less so sound,

Meaningless yet so loud!

Faster to those who care,

Slower yet to the unperturbed;

It never makes any sense,

To me, never would,

In a feeling so less dense,

Emotions never to build,

I lose myself least I care,

Why does it has to happen ?

Out of question, as for I concern,

To me is always is to be me,

Myself and all that I mean to me,

Need I care to any a soul so lesser,

I am what I am, happier to me,

Loves me than anything, never so little,

I love anything that begins with me,

To end me, pain so unimaginable,

I look around and see me,

I go around and the world stands so idle,

I go bounds around people that never gone,

The sound of me makes life go louder,

Meaningful as I go faster,

In emotions within me,

For the love of me,

Love denser, worship crazier,

I live for me, forever!!

Narcissism and self-deception are survival mechanisms without which many of us might just jump off a bridge. Todd Solondz

Image courtesy:

Jul 9, 2009



Greetings to you all in the name of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ

On this day, the 4th Sunday after Easter, the church commemorates the relevant mission of the church. Mission comes from the latin word missum which when translated to English means sent. Ever since the great commission of our Lord Jesus Christ, the church has been entrusted with this responsibility to showcase and spread the teaching of our Lord throughout all nations regardless whether they are Jew or Gentile, rich or poor, literate or illiterate, the responsibility that comes to us as believers of this faith resounds not in our ability to stand out as an unique sect of people who have been endowed with this Godly grace and honor that originated from the birth, life, crucifixion and subsequent resurrection of our Lord and Savior, but in the propagation of these very ideas that makes us stand out as Christians. Throughout ages, the church grew despite all opposition both external and internal, unity and divisions, theological ramifications and spiritual nonsense because the propagation of ideas originated from the very teachings of Christ showcased a simple teaching of love faith and hope, a way of life and not a religion which would have made it difficult in the first place. This very ability of Christ to incorporate hope in things unseen, the belief in life for all the goodness that it could offer to all men to be part of this vast kingdom where all men despite their caste, color, creed and all divisions that separate them could be considered at the same time equal is the very teaching that we as Christians are required to make known to those haven’t yet heard, felt it in the first place.

When we look at the teachings of Christ, from the very parables to the miracles he has performed and sermons, they all seems to be building a skeleton of ideas, thoughts that point to a mission. Just like Christ’s life on earth was a mission from God to his children that salvation has at last come home, its become personal to one and all, Jesus dint want the zeal of his teaching die with him on the cross, but instead be vindicated and reflected out to all nations through his resurrection. From his selection of people as his disciples his ulterior aim was in the continuation and the fulfillment of his very purpose on the earth that became his mission. The transformative journey of Jesus from being the son of a carpenter to a rabbi taking the downtrodden of the society who ranged from fishermen to much despised tax collectors in his stead would have undermined his credibility to no end, but the message made all the difference. Here we had unlikely people in the form of fishermen performing miracles, speaking in flowing language about whatever little or big that they believed from his teaching, weathering stringent opposition wherever they went but their passion to do what they believed in, their lack of hesitance to become ultimate martyrs for whatever they believed in ensured that the teaching spread, the mission grew and the church flourished. Those teachings were so powerful that the Christian church came to dominate the world in a way like no religion or empire could ever do so. It was said that Constantinople was so alarmed by the way the church grew, he had to politically absolve the Roman Empire as a Christian empire. Though the purpose of the teachings lost its sheen later on, the mission to us Christians still remain today. Strong, powerful and simple. It has morphed into something even bigger than the Great Commission or church building or conversions; it has become today a question of sustainability (when we have a dwindling church that has lost its social responsibility, inability rehabilitate its own) , a question of introspection (when false teachings, misguided ideologies threatening its very core ) or to be more exact, the ability of the salt not to lose it saltiness and that of the light to still glow and more as we Marthomites would love to say rather than believe lighted to lighten.

The epistle reading for today is very prominent with almost the hundreds of sermons that I have heard so far. This very portion (Mathew 5:13-20) has intrigued teachers from time immemorial with regards to its meaning. From the many interpretations that I have read about salt and light, I feel that it’s a timely example that illustrates the ability of absorption, cleansing and preservation; 2 Kings 2:19-25, prophet Elisha uses salt to clean the spring of Jericho, that is to absorb the very dirt, in Ezekial 16:4 the salt was used to cleanse and harden the skin of a new born child; in Leviticus 2:13 'Every grain offering of yours, moreover, you shall season with salt, so that the salt of the covenant of your God shall not be lacking from your grain offering; with all your offerings you shall offer salt. Salt here is used for cleansing, a covenant and preserving. In Mathew 5:13, salt refers to the wisdom. All these are very important in life of a Christian that is to absorb knowledge from church, Sunday school or the various vital organs of the church, cleanse ourselves from all that plague us and preserve ourselves as good human beings and carrier of good deeds.

Being the light of the world is also as important the former. When we renew ourselves, possesses all the goodness that originates from the teaching of Christ, reflection begins which is necessary. When Jesus said about being the salt of the earth and light of the world, he meant the very idea of renewal. The very idea that spins offs itself powerful from an equally important earlier message of his of being born again. Hence these teachings of Christ provide an ideal nucleus from where the idea of mission originates.

On this day, let’s look back into our situation. In a world that is so changing and unpredictable where our church is now attains paramount importance. The earlier church was built on the very ideas of social equality, the teachings of Christ removed all that was indifferent between men at that time because when Jesus and his disciples sat with the teachers of Law to eat from the same table, all divisions disappeared into the thin air and there began an era of equalness where men were treated equal. The early church built on this very idea, as it grew, lost in the process and now as we see stagnated. It was the church losing its saltiness and it grew into a position where as reported in an article by the TIME magazine not so far ago, Jesus became the biggest liability to the church. The ability of the church to be light itself diminished as the church lost its purpose and sense of being to be a beacon to the world. Today, more than ever Marthoma church built on the principles of reformation and hope faces challenges both outside and within. The church struggles to maintain its identity in the view of diminishing cultural and social values within its diasporas spread worldwide, the arise of false teachings and misguided ideologies that arise from economic statutes of capitalization and globalization, a period of retrospection is now needed. We need to renew ourselves to these ever growing challenges and our ability to reinvent and sustain our saltiness is vital in our fulfillment of our stance to lighten those people whom we are responsible for thereby ensuring that our mission and its purpose remains strong, guided and powerful.


Mar 4, 2009

Life: Love Invited For Ever


What is life ?….. They ask these days,

Is it of falling stocks or of broken hopes ?

Of boundaries not reached, frontiers not conquered,

Or of failures and disappointments ?

‘We live in uncertain times, and we have to compromise’

yells statesmen over times yonder,

can’t help but ponder of a period so bad,

being sleepless with crushed dreams,

brood incessantly over a past so good.

Pointless and blank were the debates,

Of what went wrong and bad,

Of what should have been done and never was did,

Fed up, to a point of no return,

Decided I did to leave this fulcrum,

Of capsized aspirations and wrecked aims.

Without a goodbye, ran into the night,

Self, but alone, never for once looking back.

Running the travails till where I felt tired and I stopped.

Looking around to this new surrounding,

Trees lined along each side outlined by streams of water,

that crossed the vicinity with boundless grace,

A light so bright shone through the pristine valor,

leading me to an area of unimaginable splendor.

Fell down, I, to my knees unhesitatingly,

Looked up to a God that led the way,

So far, so good, to this life,

the love that is invited for ever,

which remains either you go higher,

nor to abyss so lower,

the love remains…….

“God allows us to experience the low points of life in order to teach us lessons we could not learn in any other way. The way we learn those lessons is not to deny the feelings but to find the meanings underlying them.”  Stanley Lindquist

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Jan 24, 2009

Bush-bashing is unfair--at least he left the furniture

By Susan Martinuk, For The Calgary Herald

There's nothing so easy as kicking a guy on the way out.

A banner at one of the inaugural balls made that point quite clear: "F---GEORGE." So much for the illusion that Washington's balls are the epitome of sophistication and culture for America's elite.

The media also had a final round of Bush-bashing. For most of his presidency, Bush fought against biased reporting that viciously attacked his policies and, eventually, denigrated him personally. This past week, in the frenzy to take one last kick at the cat, a number of reporters crossed the line of decency to produce copy that was mean-spirited, rude and disrespectful.

One cartoon (I refuse to name the paper and give it publicity) showed a statue of Bush being toppled in the same infamous manner as the Iraqis toppled the statue of Saddam Hussein. Their political "analyst" produced a rant called Bye Bye Buffoon in which he supposedly dissected the legacy of the "two-term doofus."

Another analyst took a dig at President Bush's religious conservatism, saying it was responsible for the closed-minded "don't ask/don't tell" military policy he hoped the new commander-in-chief would now overturn. One problem--the policy had nothing to do with George Bush or religion. It was initiated in 1993 by Bill Clinton's liberal administration.

I have no problem with analysis that raises legitimate questions about Bush's legacy as president, but the above demonstrate the kind of uninformed commentary and rhetoric Bush-haters in the media have descended to and we are now supposed to accept as legit.

We all know journalists have the responsibility to get the facts right, but key facts and journalistic standards seem to get pushed aside when the subject is George Bush. As the late Democratic senator Daniel Moynihan said, "Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts."His fellow Democrats and liberals would do well to listen to his advice.

One fact that has been long lost is George Bush did all he could to keep America safe. In fact, it was his response to 9/11 that made it possible for Washington to safely have its massive inaugural celebrations (where five ex-and current presidents, senators, congressmen, the elite and two-million Americans would have made a tempting target, if not for new security measures).

There have been no terrorist attacks on U. S. soil since 9/11, yet people seem ungrateful to Bush for making homeland security a priority.

All sides of the political spectrum acknowledge Bush as a world leader in the battle against HIV-AIDS in Africa. He committed $15 billion for AIDS relief that has been highly successful in reclaiming the lives of millions of Africans and AIDS orphans. Prior to leaving office, Bush secured another $48 billion to fund the program for five more years. The international AIDS community considers him a hero.

Bush extended Medicare to cover prescriptions for more than 40 million seniors. Ironically, this was one promise Bill Clinton gave Americans when he set Hillary in charge of fixing American's health care system back in 1993. Neither goal was achieved.

In spite of the personal attacks and the lack of gratitude shown to him, Bush left his office with grace and dignity. Even his detractors noted that from the moment the election was over, Bush and his administration made a point of co-operating completely with Obama's team to ensure a smooth transfer of power.

This was a sharp contrast to the Gong Show that went on when George Bush entered the White House eight years ago.

The Bush administration team arrived to find offices ravaged by Clinton staffers, files in disarray and the "W" key removed from computer keyboards. Clinton himself made his mark in his last days by pardoning the husband of a key campaign fundraiser, dozing off during Bush's inaugural speech and taking the White House furniture. Much later (and after much debate), the Clintons returned $28,000 of furniture to the White House. Even a liberal Washington Post columnist called the exit "a script that would have made Saturday Night Live blush."

As Albert Einstein once wrote, "The world is a dangerous place to live; not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don't do anything about it."

George W. Bush was willing to take on evil. It cost him his popularity and perhaps his own legacy, yet he never once wavered. A man who stands for a costly principle is rare, and it's something we should gratefully acknowledge.

Susan Martinuk is a freelance journalist. Her column appears Friday.
© Copyright (c) The Calgary Herald

Jan 22, 2009

Age of Pisces to… Age of Aquarius by Ray Grasse

The Age of Pisces:
The Water Element (1 A.D. to 2100 A.D.)

Among the manifestations of the Piscean Age was the rise of a global religion centering primarily on symbols of water: baptism, walking on water, changing water into wine, and so forth. Indeed, for the student of astrological symbolism, Christianity offers a mother lode of correspondences in connection with Pisces. For example, Christian scripture speaks extensively of fishermen, wine, helping the downtrodden and outcasts of society, and the washing of feet — all traditional symbols of Pisces. One of the defining miracles of Christ's ministry was the feeding of the multitude with two fishes and five loaves of bread. More subtly, the eating of fish on Friday by Catholics is linked by some to the fact that Friday is governed by Venus, the planet that is "exalted" (i.e., attains its optimal expression) in Pisces.

Were such correspondences intentional on the part of the Church fathers, or was their emergence purely synchronistic? Scholars disagree on this point, so we may never know for sure. But either way, we can study these symbols for what they reveal to us about the archetypal dynamics of the time. Viewed as a whole, they tell us that humanity was learning to relate to the divine and the world-at-large through a more emotional filter. In its more constructive aspect, this brought about a newfound element of compassion and faith in society, especially within Christian society. We see the emergence of a spiritual sensibility that spoke of "turning the other cheek" rather than the smiting of one's enemies. This was a shift from Roma to Amor, one might say.

In a more negative vein, this same emphasis on emotionality ushered in a spirit of dogmatism and persecution in the emerging religions. Pisces is intensely concerned with matters of faith. However, taken to extremes, this can lead to zealotry, self-righteousness, and the urge to establish absolute guidelines for all to follow. At its worst, the Piscean Age was an era of religious intolerance, when large populations were expected to show unquestioning allegiance to a monolithic belief system, as exhibited in much of Christianity and Islam during this time.

One of the more striking Piscean symbols found in Christianity is its central image — the crucifixion. It is sobering to consider that for nearly two thousand years now, Western culture has defined itself largely in terms of an image of a man nailed to a cross, tortured, and murdered in a most gruesome manner. Yet viewed archetypally, this singular seed-image contains the best and worst of the Piscean legacy. On a negative level, the crucifixion expresses dark Piscean qualities such as self-pity, masochism, guilt, and martyrdom. These reflect the self-dissolving principle of water, but directed in a more destructive, self-abnegating way.

In some respects, we might well call the Piscean Age the ultimate age of neurosis. For example, this was an era when many felt that suffering and guilt were somehow synonymous with spirituality. This is precisely the sort of delusion that arises when the ego is unhealthy or ungrounded, and thus finds itself sucked back into the more corrosive, ego-dissolving emotions of the soul.

The crucifixion has a more positive interpretation, too. As esotericists know, Pisces symbolically relates to the transcendence of the ego and the surrendering of personal interests in service of a higher ideal. As the last sign in the zodiac (determined by the sun's counter-clockwise movement), Pisces is that final stage in the soul's evolution where the boundaries of personality have begun to dissolve and the soul merges with the cosmic ocean of existence. This is what the crucifixion means in its highest sense: the principle of sacrifice, worship, profound devotion. It is the water element at its most refined. A few examples of this higher aspect of Pisces are St. Francis of Assisi, or the ideals of chivalry and courtly love, with their ethos of self-sacrifice and idealism, that arose during the medieval era.

The Age of Aries brought an awakening of the outwardly directed ego, but the more feminine Piscean Age brought about a newfound sense of interiority or inwardness. In religious terms, this was most evident in the emerging Christian emphasis on moral reflectivity, or conscience, the flip side of which was the emergence of a new mood of guilt throughout Western society. Prior to Christianity, one rarely finds a sense of conscience or "sin" as we now think of it. By way of example, the earlier Greeks saw their relationship to the gods in more mechanical and external terms than we do now. When crimes were committed, one atoned for them not because of an inner sense of guilt so much as the belief that one had accrued a "stain" of sorts which could be removed through an appropriate sacrifice (Dickinson 1966).

Outwardly, this new sense of interiority was mirrored in the rise of architectural features like the dome and arch, so critical to the Islamic mosque and structures like the Pantheon in Rome. This interiority was visible as well as in the introduction of pupils into the eyes of Roman statues early in the Age; examine the ancient busts of early Romans and the Greeks and one finds that their eyes have no pupils. As symbols, artistic shifts like these signaled a new world of emotions opening up during the early Christian era, a development which would eventually make possible the later birth of modern psychology.

The Age of Aquarius:
The Air Element (2100 A.D. to 4200 A.D.)

The most frequently asked question concerning the Aquarian Age is this: When does it begin? That is a bit like determining when the dawn starts. Is it when the morning sky first starts glowing, long before the actual sunrise? Or is it when the sun appears over the horizon? The same problem applies to understanding the timing of the Great Ages. An Age doesn't begin on a single day or year; it unfolds gradually over many centuries. Consequently, even if the Aquarian Age may not fully begin in earnest for several centuries yet (most estimates suggest somewhere between 2100 and 2800 A.D.), throughout this book we will consider many examples which suggest its symbols are already appearing in our world. The Internet and space travel are two instances we will be looking at in greater depth.

The deeper meaning of the Age can be understood by studying the underlying element involved. In the case of Aquarius, the influence of air is dominant. This is reflected in a literal way with the startling rise of aviation technologies over the last two centuries; humans are increasingly learning how to master the air realm, not only through aviation but in the construction of ever-taller buildings which allow us to live higher up off the ground. The media employs metaphors that reflect this elemental shift. A show is "on the air," or a broadcaster is "taking to the airwaves."

As with our other ages, such outer symbols are but reflections of an inner shift taking place throughout our culture, one that relates to an awakening of mind in the evolution of human consciousness. Understood symbolically, air is the medium through which we communicate our thoughts and ideas, and is the element most associated with rationality and thinking. What this means is that the Aquarian Age will undoubtedly witness major advances in humanity's intellectual growth, though admittedly at widely varying levels of sophistication. Terms like the "information superhighway" and the "information revolution" are two examples of how the impending Aquarian influence has already begun to propel our world toward more mental values and modes of experience. The modern separation of church and state is further evidence of the disengaging of our rational minds from the dogmatic and emotional concerns of the Piscean Age.

An essential key to understanding the meaning of Aquarius lies in [the fact that] that each of the different elements repeats itself three times over during the course of the zodiac. Consequently, there are three earth signs, three water, three fire, and three air. In each expression of a different element, we see that elemental principle in subtly different ways. To illustrate this, let us focus here on the trio of air signs: Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius.

The Three Phases of the Air Element

Given the progressive nature of the zodiac, each of these signs reflects the workings of mind in broader and more impersonal ways. For instance, in Gemini, rationality expresses itself in its most personal form, through the workings of the everyday mind and ordinary forms of communication. In Libra, the rationality of the air element manifests in more interpersonal ways, with a mentality that is directed toward interactions with others in wider social contexts. An example of this is a teacher standing before a class, or a salesman dealing with clients.

In Aquarius, however, we see the element of air-rationality expressing itself through the most impersonal contexts possible, toward ever greater collectives, perhaps even the cosmos. For that reason, Aquarius might be described as the principle of cosmic rationality or cosmic mind, the ability to perceive or make connections of the most abstract and cosmic sort. Aquarius isn't simply concerned with ideas and theoretical relations; it is concerned with ideas and relationships that are global or universal in scope.

For this reason, the Aquarian Age will undoubtedly be concerned with knowledge of the broadest and most collective sort. A perfect example of this is modern science. Rather than focus its attention on a scientist's own ideas and feelings, science attempts to uncover those laws or principles which would apply everywhere, and everywhen. Already we see this impersonality expressing itself in the way many people are involved with social connections and networks extending over vast distances, as through the Internet or TV. Such technologies allow people across the world to communicate with one another, but in more cerebral ways.

This shifting orientation toward the Aquarian expression of air is no doubt behind the growing fascination we see with outer space and its exploration, as reflected in films like Star Wars or 2001: A Space Odyssey, and TV shows like Star Trek. Works like these capture the emerging spirit of "longing for the stars" that is so intrinsic to Aquarius.

Transitional Symbols on the Brink of Aquarius

With one foot in the Piscean Age behind us and another in the Aquarian Age before us, we find ourselves caught between radically contrasting, and sometimes conflicting, value systems. If the Great Ages represent a Shakespearean drama of cosmic proportions, then we have stepped onstage precisely at the point between acts, as it were, when the old props and back-drops have begun to be replaced by new ones. One result of living in this liminal in-between state is the rise of various transitional forms — developments that are symbolic hybrids of the Piscean and Aquarian energies. Here are a few examples of these from recent times.

Televangelism: What happens when old-school Piscean-style Christianity meets up with Aquarian Age-style media technology? One result is the distinctly modern phenomenon called televangelism, in which preachers employ the fruits of global technology for spreading the gospel of salvation to even larger audiences than ever before.

The Abortion Debate: As one age comes up against another, there can be a violent clashing of values and ideologies from both sides of the divide. A vivid example of this is the modern controversy over abortion. On the one hand, there are the largely Christian-based "pro-life" advocates who represent the forces of the Piscean Age with their expression of sympathy for the helpless unborn. On the other hand, we see the "pro-choice" advocates representing the forces of Aquarius, who champion the rights of individuals to decide their own fates. Over the years, there has been little compromise between the views of these two camps, and there is little hope for change in sight, but with good reason. They arise out of two fundamentally different paradigms, two radically different ways of seeing and evaluating the world — as it were, one from the last Great Age and one from the next.

The Storming of the Bastille: Sometimes single events from history can serve as symbolic benchmarks in the transition between eras. One of the earliest and most dramatic examples of this was the storming of the Bastille on July 14, 1789, a pivotal event in the French Revolution. On this date, French radicals overtook and opened up the famed prison which had been holding political prisoners, and released those few who remained. In astrological symbolism, prisons are associated with Pisces, while the principles of freedom and revolution are associated with Aquarius. The opening up of a prison and release of its prisoners was a symbolic landmark in the move from the old authoritarian order to a more freedom-oriented one.

Alcoholics Anonymous: For astrologers, one of the more negative symbols long associated with Pisces has been the addiction to alcohol and other intoxicants. In the case of Alcoholics Anonymous, we see an example of people coming together specifically to break free from their addiction to alcohol, nicely symbolizing the effort to undo our bondage to Piscean-Age consciousness, through the support of a nondenominational group (typical of Aquarius). At the same time, AA still has one foot planted in the values of that receding Age as evidenced by its emphasis on the need to surrender to a higher power ("Let go and let God"), leading some to charge that this is in fact a modern secular religion with its own brand of commandments (the "twelve steps"). For better or worse, AA is a hybrid creation that blends the values of both Piscean and Aquarian Ages.

Transition Symbols in Cinema: Throughout this book, we will see many examples of how the cinema is a rich source of symbolic clues for understanding the transition taking place in our society. Take Peter Weir's 1998 movie The Truman Show, based on a script by Andrew Niccoll. This ingenious film tells the story of Truman Burbank (played by Jim Carrey) and his attempts to break free of a media-permeated world in which he has spent his life as the unwitting subject. Lording over this world is a powerful artist named Christof (Ed Harris), who has choreographed the circumstances of Truman's life from birth onward as part of a vast performance piece known to all except Truman himself.

Throughout most of the movie, Truman is shown living in a world bounded by water (Pisces); each time he attempts to escape from this world, he is lured back with the promise of alcohol (a Piscean symbol). He eventually learns to overcome these temptations and succeeds in escaping from this water-bound world into an air-based one (Aquarius). The movie climaxes with the protagonist walking on water and literally stepping into the sky. Note the name of the God-like figure he is shown trying to break free of within that water-bound world: Christof, or, of Christ, another symbol of the Piscean era.

Transitional Symbols in Literature: The transition to the Aquarian Age has expressed itself within the forms of modern literature as well. For instance, the passage from one age to another sometimes expresses itself in mythic symbols that depict a hero slaying (or rejecting) a creature symbolically associated with the prior age, such as Moses casting out the golden calf. In relatively modern times, a similar pattern can be found in books like Herman Melville's Moby Dick. Here we see a figure in the open air (Ahab) attempting to slay a creature of the sea, symbolizing transcendence over the water realm (Pisces). Additionally, if the whaling industry is taken as a symbol for modern industrial civilization generally, then Melville's tale under-scores the shift from a more emotional and intuitive age to the more technological and business-minded one of Aquarius.

The Pilgrims' Immigration to America: Whether we know it or not, we are all pushed or pulled to some degree by the imperatives of our age. We act out the necessities of a broader drama. As a case in point, the attempt by pilgrims to escape religious persecution in the old world in order to find religious freedom in the new one expressed a shift from the more dogmatic and persecution-oriented Piscean era to the freedom-oriented Aquarian one. Little could they have realized how they were also setting the stage for a collective drama whose implications would extend far into the future and influence the geopolitical direction of an entire planet, the subject of the next chapter.

This article was excerpted from Signs of the Times, ©2002, by Ray Grasse.

Jan 21, 2009

13 Guiding Virtues

1. Temperance: Eat not to dullness and drink not to elevation.

2. Silence: Speak not but what may benefit others or yourself. Avoid trifling conversation.

3. Order: Let all your things have their places. Let each part of your business have its time.

4. Resolution: Resolve to perform what you ought. Perform without fail what you resolve.

5. Frugality: Make no expense but to do good to others or yourself: i.e. Waste nothing.

6. Industry: Lose no time. Be always employed in something useful. Cut off all unnecessary actions.

7. Sincerity: Use no hurtful deceit. Think innocently and justly; and, if you speak, speak accordingly.

8. Justice: Wrong none, by doing injuries or omitting the benefits that are your duty.

9. Moderation: Avoid extremes. Forebear resenting injuries so much as you think they deserve.

10. Cleanliness: Tolerate no uncleanness in body, clothes or habitation.

11. Chastity: Rarely use venery but for health or offspring; Never to dullness, weakness, or the injury of your own or another's peace or reputation.

12. Tranquility: Be not disturbed at trifles, or at accidents common or unavoidable.

13. Humility: Imitate Jesus and Socrates.