Aug 24, 2009

Last Post


Dear Friends,

For the past 30 months to be precise, I have been blogging regularly about different aspects of my life right from the time in Abu Dhabi to some magical months in India along with very testing, trying but highly path breaking period in Edmonton. As they say always everything in life, good or bad has to come to an end. Hence this is the last post. Nothing more to be said. Life as they say just goes on, as always. Goodbye.

“In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.” Martin Luther King


Anish Mohandas said...

But y the hell r u stopping???

Tenny E.Thomas said...

Da, Anish...I need to move on from blogging to something bigger like a book or something. Thanks for supporting this blog over the years. You can read my tweets from