Aug 24, 2009

Last Post


Dear Friends,

For the past 30 months to be precise, I have been blogging regularly about different aspects of my life right from the time in Abu Dhabi to some magical months in India along with very testing, trying but highly path breaking period in Edmonton. As they say always everything in life, good or bad has to come to an end. Hence this is the last post. Nothing more to be said. Life as they say just goes on, as always. Goodbye.

“In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.” Martin Luther King

Aug 19, 2009



I have always asked myself,

Why is truth always so deaf ?

Dumb and innocent,

Battered always to an exploit!

Persevering, yet never assuming,

Nonetheless never sung,

Always hidden lest plain,

Painful yet relieving,

Freeing yet binding,

What can be more good…

Than knowing the truth

What can still be more worse..

Yet knowing the truth!

Truth is always good,

Never to anyone ever bad,

Good always endures,

Truth always stands!

How do we ever find truth ?

Mirage it is always to those who seeketh!

Never ending a search for the explorer,

Never ending a thirst for the thirsty,

Never ending an obsession for the adventurous,

Never ending a hunger for the hungry,

Yet what is in it, oh mere mortal,

You cringe over it never ever to toll,

Realize yet always it never is in total,

Truth will never be found,

Always invented yet never discovered.


“Believe those who are seeking the truth; doubt those who find it.” Abraham Lincoln

Aug 17, 2009



I was stunned recently. Very much that it took me some time to regain my breath. Couldn’t speak or utter a word for a long time. It  was really breathtaking.

From time immemorial, the memorable saga of the Jewish race from the time when Abram was asked to move from Ur right through the messianic times till the Holocaust and the subsequent formation of the nation of Israel to the various Jewish lobbies that control different aspects of the American society from its politics till its culture and various contemporaries, has made for some rollercoaster literary reading that rants well with any reader. Yours truly always made it a point to stay away from any type of movies with underlying political overtones. But the innocent poster of two boys sitting and separated by a barbed wire as shown in the above picture intrigued me to spend some of my time on visualizing the celluloid format inspired by a book (as the poster vividly shows). Expecting a relaxing weekend treat, the movie well started with a whimper.

It began with this obscure Nazi general promoted to a higher rank and leaving his home from Berlin to an obscure area. Bruno his son was lone dissenting voice in the household and was further disappointed when he saw his future home. His sister Gretel too disappointed was relieved to end up liking another German officer at their home. The young kid Bruno who had the dreams of being an explorer despite being dissuaded from exploring the behind woods of the home for it being out of bounds, went and ended up meeting the only boy of his age at that place called Shmuel. Separated by barbed wires, a beautiful friendship grew, stronger when it came to be known that they were enemies. Events later till when Bruno ended up in the gas chambers with Shmuel, innocently and the finally shot of the door to the gas chamber finally shut and the striped pajamas of the prisoners left hanging outside, shook me for sometime. Any calamity man made or else resonates a simple theme for everyone, there are no sides in any conflict. Suffering is universal. It was profound and the message was shattering.

Some of the memorable dialogues from the movie include:

Bruno: I'm Bruno.
Shmuel: Shmuel.
Bruno: Sorry?
Shmuel: I'm Shmuel.
Bruno: That's your name? I've never heard of anyone called that before.
Shmuel: I've never heard of anyone called Bruno.
Bruno: Shmuel? No one's called Shmuel.


Bruno: Why do you wear pajamas all day?
Shmuel: The soldiers. They took all our clothes away.

Bruno: My dad's a soldier, but not the sort that takes people's clothes away.


Bruno to Shmuel: We're not supposed to be friends, you and me. We're meant to be enemies. Did you know that?

Bruno: There is such thing as a nice Jew, though, isn't there?
Herr Liszt: I think, Bruno, if you ever found a nice Jew, you would be the best explorer in the world.

Auschwitz Inmate to the kids before the gas chamber: It's only a shower.

Aug 7, 2009

The Goodness of Life Love and People


Oh! yea…how does it feel to be good,

Love so luxurious better than a brood,

I look at a life so fully of mighty,

So much greater in depth, never ever lowly,

I wanna laugh, laugh, not less, but fully!


The night that was darkest before the dawn,

Was shredded by light rays, neither a premonition!

Apparent in its own right, rightfully a vision!

So lovely, full of life, abstract in contrast;

More there are any drops in an ocean,

More there are any migratory birds,

Swept by any chinook winds,

Blowing them right through the heart and its beats;


Love never ends, never loses,

Hopes never ends, so much complete,

In essence endures, so fully its way!

But always real in its sway,

For bravest are the ones that never slay,

Rejection for any dead end,

Its the power to continue from the end,

Belief in your feelings, never dead,

Full of power, and spirit fed.


Life never to be complained about,

Sublimely good to all its presence,

Very virtuous to all who care,

People yet to be loved everywhere,

Love goes around taking its stance,

Never losing a soul to chance.

The conspiring universe,

Working to lift the spirits to nirvana,

Seeking the elixir of life,

The holy grail of ultimate happiness.

To mere mortals that never cares,

Beware for that it stands for us;


Yeah, let this be the way that you feel,

Emotions taking you on a roll.

Hearts beating in a melancholy full,

I wanna live, live, not less, but fully!

This life, so good, truly!

Yearn the goodness in people, never lowly,


Discerning, courteous yet never failing!

Never to drown, never to flight,

Live the life in your way, fully right,

Love the life you have, hold it tight,

Let’s get it out to shine in the light,

Showcasing to people, oh! what a sight!

Goodness in its full glory, hope and love so bright!


“The greatest good you can do for another is not just to share your riches, but to reveal to him his own” Benjamin Disraeli

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This is the 50th post in this blog. In three years, I have come a long way in life having grown a lot both professionally and personally. Yet getting mixed reviews for many of the articles posted here, this blog seeks to showcase the best times of my life of which I am eternally and humbly grateful.  Tenny