Lonely as I sit in my solace,
Unperturbed by life and its pace,
My mind drifts off as always,
to the ocean of tranquility,
I run through the pristine virginity,
of the sun-soaked beach,
as calm waters rush all along.
Suddenly, O Suddenly,
the waters turn crimson,
violent the waves turn in unison,
thunder strikes so badly,
I run all along for shelter.
Pray I loud for relief,
Life for its perturbed stiff,
Alas! how fast things changed,
Cry, I aloud, Oh aloud,
What thy sinner do for this deserveth.
Come here, cries aloud a womans voice,
Stunned as I am by the whisper in the rage,
Open arms welcome me,
with the touch so serene,
and the kiss so soothing,
I forget the chaos that led me!
As in her arms, complete becomes my solace,
as I slaved myself to love.
Again o Again, everything calms down,
I look around once again,
normal as things they may seem,
look around for the woman,
that made me feel so calm,
as life and all around it turned.
Where is she I wonder,
Run again do I for her ponder,
I run and I run for her,
Not a mirage to be found,
neither a footprint that led,
Oh Lord, what do I say,
Why do you do this play ?
Angry as I am for the creator,
Curse I for his follies yonder,
Time passes as I surrender,
To these thoughts that made me wander...
Image courtesy: http://tn3-1.deviantart.com/fs15/300W/f/2007/004/8/1/real_emotion_by_Qa9ed2000.jpg
“A man who is master of himself can end a sorrow as easily as he can invent a pleasure. I don't want to be at the mercy of my emotions. I want to use them, to enjoy them, and to dominate them.” Oscar Wilde
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