May 24, 2008
Missed Calls
I had a college pal Kapil Kurien Palathingal who is currently working in Dubai. Due to some shit reason on his part, we had to split as being friends. He tried to woo me back with missed call syndrome. He used to call everyone from his mobile at around noon-ish UAE time. Well any layman knows that the timezones vary from place to place. So it is 2.30am here that is in North America. First I just ignored it. Later as I started having bout of sleeplessness this became a menace. It went on and on. And yours truly having bitter experiences with him over the past, dint want to antagonize him: just let it be!!
It went worse. Even after moving to the new residence, despite repeated requests it all fell into deaf ears. So one day I called him up and explained to him things in a jocular manner. I told him, your problem is a disease and it has to tackled scientifically. I told him to make a list of people he needs to give missed calls to. Then when it is morning in U.A.E, he should give missed calls to the people in North America. Then later in the noontime, the regions around the subcontinent and South East Asia could be covered and the evenings for Australia and New Zealand. This gives him a wide coverage of area and ample options indeed. Though the suggestion might appear off the cuff, he understood the tone behind the whole arguement. Like Russell Peters says "Somebody is gonna get hurt really bad tonight."
Never heard of him ever since. lol!
May 21, 2008

I won't forget yesterday that is the 20th of May. For days prior to that, I had taken a letter slip from Silvy Aunty in Millwoods bearing the name of The Leukamia and Lymphoma Society of Canada. I badly wanted to donate some money there, but I dint. Felt I will do it later and hence kept on procrastinating.
I dint have a comfortable experience staying in Hub. So as I vacated, I was supposed to give the room as per 'move in' conditions. I did the best I could. The penalities for a small stain is $50. On the final day, my friend Mandeep saw the place. He commented, Tenny you would be fortunate if you get at least $10. I had suffered more than enough staying in that place with all the accumulated bad experiences, I felt fortunate, at least I am getting my life back!!
Coming back, the urge to donate was more than I anticipated. So yours truly went to and signed up for a monthly donation of $15 in the name of my late grandfather.
Later in the noon, I made myself to the UofA Residences Office to enquire about the fate of my security deposit, knowing fully that I wont get anything. When I asked the receptionist, she said "Well Tenny, you will get $153.50 as your deposit with $3.50 as accumulated interest!!!!!!
Well giving is magical than we could ever think!!
“If you have much, give of your wealth; If you have little, give of your heart” Arab Proverb
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The president of a large company wanted to talk to the factory's manager about an urgent matter. But the manager's secretary said, "He cannot be disturbed. He's in conference—as he is every day at this time."
"Tell him the president wants to see him," the man responded impatiently.
The secretary firmly replied, "I have strict orders, Sir, not to disturb him while he is in conference."
Angrily, the man brushed past the secretary and opened the door to the manager's office. After one quick look he backed out, gently closed the door, and said, "I'm sorry!" The president had found his manager on his knees in front of his open Bible.
The purpose of a daily devotional time is to stimulate regular, intimate meetings with the King of kings. We need to seek new orders and instructions each day from the One who has planned our lives and provided for our needs.
Have you spent time in conference with God today? It's never too late to start. — M.R. De Haan
Begin the day with God,
Kneel down to Him in prayer;
Lift up your heart to His abode,
And seek His love to share. —Anon.
Begin the day with prayer; end it with praise
Let's spend valuable time with God… to make our time invaluable!
May God bless us all and keep us all…
May 17, 2008

Every once in a while there happens to be a situation where we are faced with taking decisions. I have heard that the greatest danger in the world is indecision or lack of decision. Both the greatest danger is the inability to stand with our decision whether they are right or wrong. It's kind of humorous but no one knows the outcome of a decision and the outcome it delivers. I have found that as we grow up the decisions we take bring in a certain plethora of baggage associated. For example when we were 5-6 years, the decision to select between a Snickers and a Mars!! Or when we are 10-15, the decision to select between clothes and many things of fancy value. Once we are 20-25, the choices in making the right career decisions and so on. But I have seen the degree of uncertainity in each decision we make as we grow in age and the ever looming risk of failure. It teaches us some valuable lessons in patience leading perseverance and hope. But one never knows the right decision to make at any given point of time. Imagine Archduke Ferdinand taking a shorter route to reach his destination and the outcome it caused. Similarly when we read history the mishaps caused due to lack of decision outweigh any bad decision. The order might be changed, but one has to be comfortable and adjust to the new order whatever it is.
May 15, 2008
Mother's Day
On May 11th, the world over, it is celebrated as Mother's Day. My aunt in Calgary had informed me earlier on the significance of that day. To a person like me, all these festivities offer just a fancy value nevertheless I made some excuse and told her that since I dint send any card on Father's day, its futile sending one on Mother's day !!! lol!
That day, the church service in Calgary was an ordinary one. For the first time, the designated speaker couldn't make it to the worship and there was no sermon at the worship. It surprised me when the secretary, Ashok asked me to come up and speak about Mother's day. Something in me said, since I don't have anything to lose, might as well give it a try. I went up to the stage and though unprepared I explained how my mother has been a great influence to my life, how she was there for me during my meningitis and how I endured those times along with the miraculous recovery. I went on explaining about the various mothers in the Bible:- Sarah, Rebecca, Mother Mary etc. I was unprepared and words just flowed on. I ended it within 2-minutes and I got a round of applause. After the service, people came upto me and told me that was a good sermon. I looked at my aunt and I wondered, what a Mother's day gift!!!
Welcome back
To all of my friends, my blog is up and running once again after a temporary shutdown earlier this year :)
And what a year it is turning to be. The experiences I went through could have slumped and slaughtered any man but the wealth of lessons it has offered me and in shaping my priorities from now on in life are huge and enormous!
I realise one thing. Each of us has a certain degree of goodness and evil within us. I believe than the evil around us, it is the evil from within us has the maximum destabilizing power when provoked and I tell you the magnitude is huge and enormous.
I don't wish to scare my readers with silly, sordid tales but I plan to continue what I do the best: writing good and feeling good.
Move over Amitabh and Aamir, I am back in the reckoning!!