Oct 30, 2007

I look at the world through the eyes of faith,
Wonder at the amazing works that is laith,
before me to understand and comprehend,
for the hand of God that touched,
everything that ever breathed!

I see simplicity in creation,
showcasing craftmanship in its perfection.

I live my life through faith,
and I achieve everything that life hath,
thrown at me..!!
for faith makes life special,
and all its instances jovial.

Faith makes us experience God,
making us aware that we erred,
for much in life we expected,
not knowing life is to be experienced,
in each day, each hour,
each second of the love poured on us.

We are the creation of love,
children of peace,
endorsed by faith,
we can do nothing, but live a life of,
faith and only faith.

Have faith and a life liveth,
so forth will never stumble,
or tremble,
but stand to the challenges.

If one can move mountains through faith,
walk on water through faith,
then life and all its worries, is nothing but a speck of dust..

Have faith, and you will never worry,
never be sorry,
of yourselves and about your mistakes!
Have faith..and see how life changeth!
tenny poems# 3

Today was a tiring day with the 37th Canadian Society for Chemical Engineering conference being held in Edmonton. So during the lunch break, yours truly and a colleague went out to have lunch. We walked a couple of blocks to get to the bus stop and catch the bus we were supposed to travel. Hungry and tired we were, we saw our bus coming in the opposite lane to us. We cant cross the road as the signal just turned green. I was sure, I would miss the bus and will have to wait a good time before another one shows up. But my colleague just muttered 'have faith, my friend!!'. Miraculously the bus not only waited, we just comfortably got in the bus and have a great lunch. 

"Faith makes all things possible............." (unknown author)

Oct 21, 2007

The Light
We have seen a light,
that shines from where,
we wish we knew,
the light that leads us
through the annals
of life and all it has.
The light that manifest-ed,
itself as a star and led,
the Magi to Jesus Christ.
The light that showed Jacob the heavens,
and the light that gave Moses his tasks.

For we are lighted to lighten,
through the light of the one,
for generations look upon us,
and praise him through our deeds.

Yes our deeds reflect the light,
that shines from where,
we wish we knew.

Let us reflect the light we get, let us share the passion of what we are through our deeds.

Oct 15, 2007

Let us rise up and be thankful, for if we didn't learn a lot today, at least we learned a little, and if we didn't learn a little, at least we didn't get sick, and if we got sick, at least we didn't die; so, let us all be thankful. Buddha
Gratitude speaks volumes of the favors received,
some asked for, some granted,
some coming unexpectedly,
called miracles that are so Godly.

I thank thee for thy blessings,
granted through my mutterings,
for things that I need,
and for things I do not need.

Ye has given me what I need,
some through my plead,
some without any,
for your graces are many,
and your love abundant.

Oh! Lord, I pour out to you,
with words of gratitude....

Above are a few lines I scribbled. The first time I ever attempted writing a poem.
Gratitude well the name says it all, I am not boring you with any lengthy discourses. Just I hope you study the picture and get the meaning.

Oct 9, 2007

The feeling one has after looking at this picture is exactly the feeling in my mind!!!
I was watching an amazing movie recently...well not one but two. I will tell about the latter later and focus on the former. It was a movie called Kramer vs Kramer. Well for the illiterates who have scrapped me asking me whether the cutie gal in the pic above is my daughter so or something like that (the fact remains I would love to get a daughter like her any day, Period!!. Ok coming to the movie which was released at a time when yours truly din't even see the world, 1979; starring Dustin Hoffman (one amazing actor), Meryl Streep and a host of other characters. Well the movie is about how the mother (played by Meryl Streep) walks out of a marriage citing reasons for satisfactory pursuits in her life, and how the character of Kramer raises up the kid singularly to a point of being comfortable with this priorities looking after the kid, the mother returns and asks for the kid back which breaks into a Court case for custody that was won by the latter. Still the scene where the kid and dad in their last day together have breakfast, the scene where the mother breaks down and decides not to take the kid with her are really heart warming and I believe the Oscar award, the movie received was justified. The fact is, wait before I divulge further more let me be honest. This is not an article about male chauvinism. But the point I wish to make is that there is no rule anywhere that stipulates that raising a kid is the sole responsibility of the mother. Males make better husbands too and from the amazing experiences with cooking I had, better cooks too. Then we have the usual yak yak, males subdue females in their pursuits and blah blah. I feel females are lazy and have been used to the blame game for so long. That's enough I guess else the female readers of this blog (I wonder if anyone reads the trash I put in, but I am satisfied with writing regularly so its doesn't make a difference..!! :) )
The picture above of this kid is so heart warming and full of joy. It represents the same feeling I am having now after all those miraculous events of the past few days which I will be posting soon in my blog, still I feel the the message I wish to convey through this pic is the same feeling one has as you see this lovely pic...(I promise this article will be continued...) cheers!

Oct 7, 2007

Autumn Awakening

I will be posting in a while about the wonderful time of the year called Autumn. Meanwhile check this out, I found it on the net.

Oct 4, 2007

Hope in a new ground

Its been over a month since I arrived in Canada and the past experiences have really brought me closer than ever to the belief in destiny. Life in itself is full of surprises and when they present themselves in unique ways its great to be a part of it. I was reading Forrest Gump i.e, both the prequel and the sequel. The former is renowned as it was made into a path breaking, Oscar award winning movie starring Tom Hanks (which I have to admit is really a pale version of the book..incidentally so the sequel starts with the following words..' never make a movie on your life'; which again in my opinion is true). Both the books by Winston Groom, though exaggerated in some aspects preaches the wealth of experiences that Forrest Gump goes through, how it is to be born as a fool and to live in a complex world with the mindset of a kid. Through the ttwo decades of my life, I have believed that the world becomes a better places if people learned to keep things simple. When we keep things simple in life, we have better experiences that gives us a strength of hope with the world, life etc; or let me rephrase it hope in a new ground.

Hope is often a mistaken terminology. We hope for better things in life, a new car, a new house, a new job or better savings. Eventually one way or the other we end up getting them. Then what ? Do we still hope ? Yeah we do.. We hope for something better all the time. But its pointless when we don't exercise restraint, i.e, without enjoying the things we got, yearning for things unknown. Didn't get me ? Wait I will be more specific.

Chris Gardner...Does that word ring a bell ? Well guys who watched the movie 'Pursuit of Happyness' would swear by that name. How the above-said man went from a medical representative selling scanners to a renowned stockbroker while managing his kid provides fodder for many uninspiring people. People who don't hope, who do the same routine job for decades without any improvement in life..static and stoic people. Well if they are sensible they better do hope. In the books of Gump, we see how that man goes through a wealth of experiences and emerges triumphant. I had a teacher back in college. Well one day I had a chance to go through his resume which was about 6 pages long. He had worked in many companies but never more than 6 months. His wealth of experiences are many which would seem unbelievable to people who knew him inside out. So I better stick to the safe ground and safe my experiences for my autobiography...But I tell you there is nothing as great as hope.

Oct 3, 2007


To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:
A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted;
A time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up;
A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance;
A time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together; a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing;
A time to get, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to cast away;
A time to rend, and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak;
A time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time of peace.
Ecclesiastes, 3. 1