"We need to steer clear of this poverty of ambition, where people want to drive fancy cars and wear nice clothes and live in nice apartments but don't want to work hard to accomplish these things. Everyone should try to realize their full potential"
Well it was recently while I was glancing through the channels on my telly that I came upon this segment on Oprah Winfrey where for the first time in my life that I heard Barack Obama speak and boy he did blow me off royally.
Seldom, very seldom in one's life span that you come across visionaries, nevertheless people with idea, hope for the future. I have seen people who do a lot of yak-yak in their life....too many but when it comes to practice never makes it. Well I pray Obama don't belong to that category but of a different mould.
It was in the year 2000 that there was this election between the present incumbent George Bush and Al Gore. Well to be honest I was pretty much distressed with the way Clinton was functioning. Silly putting himself with a sex scandal, not solving the problems of Middle East, he seemed a strong president minus direction. Bush, I went through his profile while he served as the governor and I was sure he was the man (I still believe him to the man for the purpose) to solve the problems of the world and of America.
I dont subscribe to the people who believe that America should be bothered with its own business and not meddle where it is not called for. I believe America has a serious and most important role to play in our times as the reigning super power of the world to create a change and a huge change. When we look at old civilisations like Roman, Greek, British etc, I believe America has never ever behaved like any of them but the scrutiny it faces today shows that the country of infinite possibilities is on the right track. Bush fitted the bill and I know that in this world I will be among the few people who still believe in that man and his vision.
One cannot deny the fact that Bush's agenda for change was altered by the events of 9/11. Today as many do question 9/11 events whether they happened so or by chance, I still believe that they had to happen.....period!!
Clinton never understood the way thing changed. In the early centuries specially towards the Renaissance period, Christian faith had to endure a lot of problems along with the emergence of Protestantism, Reformation and subsequent industrialisation. With due respect to the Muslim faith I believe that the Muslim world is also facing the same problem as you have educated people in the form of reformists questioning the faith and the conservationists trying to hold their sway. It's a win-win situation as it helps the religion to grow and promotes better understanding as it did with Christianity.
I was one of the many people who were upset with what Pope Benedict XVI told about Prophet Muhammed (P.B.U.H). One of my colleagues as I worked in Zirku Island came to me complaining the naive reasoning of a person so reputed as the Pope. Well it was like shooting yourself in the leg. Today is the time where we need reasoning that comes with patience and in this fast moving world that is seldom the case. Obama with parents having distinct religions promises to infuse the right spirit that is needed at this time. We need is an understanding of the faiths in a better way. What we need is people of education, sense of knowledge running the affairs of the place. Obama well through his words pin-point to the right direction no doubt.
Analysing Bush's presidency, I feel that man in-spite of having advisers like Cheney who had to shoot his best pal during hunting! has done a great deal through his endeavors. Today understanding among people regarding Islam is at an all time high. Previously closed societies of Arabia are growing at a staggering pace. It amused me to hear about elections in Arab countries, cartoon exhibitions in Saudi Arabia. Times are changing. We need is judicious change with customs intact...Growth will come naturally!! No doubt.
Mr Obama I am waiting for 2008. Maybe in this Age of Aquarius you are our man for the job!!